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Philippians 3:10-11
By: Chris Culver

The most quoted line from Henry David Thoreau's Walden is probably, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." That is such a haunting image of bodies trudging through days while internally desperately grasping for more. More meaning. More connection. More than the more they've bought has brought them.
     He's probably not wrong. Paul lived that life and he wanted more. He wanted to know Jesus and he wanted to be made to be more like him. The power of his resurrection is that we can be made to be like him! That won't be painless; there will be suffering. Change is hard. But that change brings glorification! We will attain the resurrection from the dead!
     We want more than drudgery and quiet desperation because we were made for more. So much more! There is so much more, and it transforms your life to live in such a world. Memorize this.