Ash Wednesday
There is a rhythm to life. Christmas, birthdays, family reunions, annual beach trips, performance reviews, the starting of school. Every year. The rhythm sets in. Sometimes it feels as if it controls you. Sometimes it feels as if the rhythm will swell over you, drowning you and sweeping you out to sea. Sometimes it is comforting, a rolling that moves life forward giving us things to look forward to, things to long for, and things to prepare for. That is what the church calendar is for. Instead of the steady drum of school, work, holidays, and vacations it orders our year around Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. That is the rhythm I want for my life. The Church calendar should not be thought of as a command from Scripture. It isn’t like faith, the Lord’s Supper, and Baptism. “It is simply a practice of historic Christianity that continuously stirs reflection, anticipation and action in the hearts of God’s people for the whole, big story of the gospel.” (Bobby Gilles) Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. It is a time to focus on the suffering and death of Christ in preparation for celebrating his resurrection. This year BCC will not be holding our own Ash Wednesday service but many of us are going to the service held at Christ the King, Wednesday March 5th at 7:00pm. If you have never been to an Ash Wednesday service you might be a little uncertain about the whole thing. I have been to this service at this church several times and I can promise that there is nothing that will make you uncomfortable. It is a very moving and meaningful service. I really hope you will juggle your schedule and make it a priority to come to this beautiful service. grace & peace, Chris