This week we start Wednesday Small Groups at the church at 6:00. We're going to be talking about what Jesus was like, how he was perceived, and how he described himself. You need to be there.
Maybe you've noticed that lately I've been obsessed with studying and thinking about what makes us human. What does it mean to be human? What makes you and me persons and not just animals?
I'm convinced that at least part of the answer has to do with relationships. You only know who you are in relation to others. How do you know that you're smart, skinny, ugly, fun, or whatever? You only learn those things about yourself in relationship with others. Of course, you are first and above all in relationship with God who is relationship in himself. In that relationship you can know that you are deeply loved and cherished.
One of the reasons God gave us the gift of the church is that in relationships we learn about who we are, and we are shaped into who he'd have us be. We need community to be humans. That's why so many people are trying to find community. We need it. Especially in an age designed to drive us apart.
But, I don't think you can find community. Christian community isn't found, it's built. It isn't a consumer commodity to be as easily bailed on as it was found. It's built. It takes work. We are being built together on the foundation of Christ into something larger and more glorious than we could ever be apart! It is seldom the most comfortable path because there will always be friction. That's good for us. It won't look like we want. That's a good thing. It is what you need. Absolutely need to be human.