I will make for them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. And I will put the fear of me in their hearts, that they may not turn from me. - Jeremiah 32:40
Covenant is a word we hear throughout scripture and is a BIG DEAL! God’s covenants with his people in the Old Testament especially were promises he made, fulfilled, and then blessed even beyond their comprehension. Our God not just loves us and will never leave me but delights in doing good for us.
I never get tired of reading about the covenants God made with Noah, Abraham and even David but nothing can come close to the covenant he gave all of us through Christ. God showed us through sacrificing his only son to death that he will never turn away from us and was willing to die in our place so we could live with him forever in eternity. BIG DEAL!!!!
Friends, I pray you see, hear, and feel today how much God loves you. I pray you fear him with your whole heart while having complete confidence believing he is working our lives out for our good. We may not always understand the circumstances we are in but trust him! Have faith in him! He is worth of it all. I believe this in my bones.
Memorize this with me.